Voting with Maximal Lotteries and many other voting rules
The Online Voting Tool presented by the Computational Social Choice research group at Technical University of Munich (TUM) offers an easy-to-use tool to compute maximal lotteries and other voting rules. You can test it under and learn more about social choice here.
The majority margin \(M_{x,y}\) between a pair of alternatives \(x\) and \(y\) is the the number of voters in \(N\) who strictly prefer \(x\) to \(y\) minus the number of voters who strictly prefer \(y\) to \(x\):
\[ M_{x,y} = \vert\{i \in N: x \succ_i y\}\vert - \vert\{i \in N: y \succ_i x\}\vert. \]
The majority margins between all pairs of alternatives for a given preference profile \(R\) are represented by a skew-symmetric matrix \(M^R\) whose rows and columns are indexed by alternatives. Voting rules which only depend on \(M^R\) are called pairwise or, following a proposal by Fishburn, C2 rules.
You can directly manipulate the majorty margin matrix \(M^R\) by clicking on
or any entry in the matrix. After you Save
the matrix again, a corresponding preference profile is computed. For easy instances, Integer Linear Programming is used and returns a preference profile with a minimal number of voters. A green notification indicates the minimality. Otherwise, a heuristics computes a good approximation with few voters.
Maximal lottery schemes return an optimal mixed strategy of the symmetric zero-sum game induced by the (\(\tau\)-scaled) majority margins. Formally, the set of maximal lotteries in the preference profile \(R\) with respect to \(\tau\) among the set of all lotteries \(\Delta(A)\) over the alternatives \(A\) is as follows: \[ \mathit{ML}^{\tau} (R) = \{p\in\Delta(A)\colon\ p^t{\tau(M^R)}\ge 0\}, \] where \( {\tau}\colon\mathbb Z\rightarrow \mathbb R \), \({\tau(1)} = 1 \) is odd and monotone.
The default option for \(\tau\) is the identity function. However, you can choose another \(\tau\) in the form of \(\tau(x)=x^k\) by modifying the majority margin exponent \(k\) in the settings.
Further references: